Why are you here? Do you believe life just happened? Is there more to life than working, eating, sleeping, and then getting up to do it all over again? What is the meaning of life? Why am I alive? Is it possible to make a difference? I believe it is.
Those are all pretty big questions. Do you ever find yourself pondering similar thoughts? Surely there’s a reason you were given the very breath of life. What makes you any different from Joe Blow next door? Well, as you already know, I think you are unique, gorgeous, and totally one of a kind. But…how does that affect the way we live our lives?
I believe everyone has a true purpose deep down inside, a reason we were put on this earth. Finding that purpose is not always easy. And following it certainly isn’t easy. But, for a moment, if I may…imagine a world in which every single soul lived to its fullest potential. Imagine a world in which every person found genuine joy in their contributions to society. Imagine a world in which everybody used their talents, skills, and passions to make that world the best place it could possibly be. Whoa, now, take a step back. Everybody? Yeah, everybody.
What kind of crazy things could we accomplish if we worked together, in harmony, doing the best we could do? What would it be like to love what we did every day? Do you get a thrill out of baking? What if you baked for your community and that was how the community was fed? In return, the electrician down the road would service your house. The doctor in town would call on the electrician and the mathematician would tutor the doctor’s kids. And all of these would jump at the chance to perform their work. They would show up at your house grinning like little school girls. Your cheeks would be sore from grinning yourself every time you handed the electrician, the doctor, and the mathematician a rolled up paper sack full of breads, cakes, and rolls.
Sounds a bit like the barter system, I know, but my point is this: how are you living your life? What do you do with your time? Do you dread the tasks that take up the hours in your day? I think there’s more to life than dirty dishes and piles of unfolded laundry. I think there’s more out there than ringing in a paycheck or sleeping in on the weekends. I don’t think we were put here randomly. I think God has a plan for each and every one of us. But will you choose to listen to His call?
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jer. 29:11) God said that. To us. The almighty Creator of the whole stinking universe said that!!! To ME! It’s one of the more popular verses of the Bible, but that doesn’t make it any less true. I don’t know what God’s got planned for me. My life’s in limbo right now. I have no idea where I’m supposed to go or how I’m supposed to accomplish my goals. But God does. And I trust Him. Somehow, someway…it’ll all work out. I am in His hands and He wants me to prosper. He’s planned for me to prosper. He’s already set things into motion.
“All things work together for…them who are called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28) Guess what? God said that too. He’s called us for a reason. We have a purpose in this life beyond eating the most hot dogs at the county fair on the fourth of July. He has bigger things in mind than climbing to the top of our careers or building our dream homes. I believe God wants us to enjoy our lives, to enjoy the things we have in this life, and to live a little, so to speak. But I also believe He’s equipped each and every one of us to fulfill the purpose He’s called us to.
Another well-known verse says this, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7), but I’ve always kind of liked the verse before it. 2 Timothy 1:6 says this: “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you….” God has given us the tools we need—personalities, talents, gifts, strengths, weaknesses even! We just have to utilize them, to hone our skills, and own our gifts. You have a passion burning inside of you for something. What? What is it that gives you joy above all else? What task makes your heart leap and your spirit soar? What would you do for the rest of your life if you could? What tools has God given you and how will you use them?
Even before we were born, God says he knew us. He knew us in our mother’s wombs, formed us of the very clay of the earth. Why would He take such care if He did not have a reason? How many lives could you touch if you did everything to the best of your ability? Sounds exhausting, you say, but think about it. If you get joy and energy out of the work you do instead of being stressed out, frustrated, and drained, won’t your work go further and be stronger? Won’t you make more progress and see better results? Won’t you pursue the work further, work harder, and grow more? I think so.
You have a purpose. There is a reason you exist. So, what is it? Why are you here? Why did God put breath in your lungs and set you afoot this broken world? What light can you shine on someone else’s dreary world?
Don’t ever forget Whose you are. He holds you in His hands and He will guide you all of your days. He will not abandon you. It is not by mistake that you have come to live on this earth. There is something you are supposed to do while you’re here. It would be a shame if you never find out what. It would be a waste if you never achieve all that God has planned for you. He’s given you the freedom to choose what you do in this life, to make your own decisions, to throw away your talents or to use them to glorify Him. Find your calling. Live your passion. Be intentional. Walk purposefully.
Love always,