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Welcome to the June 2020 WWWednesday!

Oof, so I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump like…allll month. Hopefully I can climb out of that soon. 

What have you read lately? Anything good? Are you looking for something new to read? Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know what you’re reading this month, too!

What is WWW Wednesday?

WWW Wednesday is a book meme originally created by A Daily Rhythm and revived by Taking on a World of Words. To participate, simply answer the following questions every Wednesday:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

Here on GraceBought, we’ve been doing these once a month. The idea is for a quick, easy post that keeps you guys in the loop and me involved on a regular basis!

So, without further ado, here is our next WWW Wednesday!

WWWednesday #11

What are you currently reading?

Right, so begins Cora’s walk of shame…I’m currently reading Phantom Thief by P. D. Atkerson. I was supposed to read this back in April or May…yeah, that’s how behind I am. Ugh. But I’m reading it now and I think I’ll have it finished by the end of the week! 

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Thoughts: It’s been interesting so far. It reads like a middle grade fiction book. I’m holding off most of my thoughts until I finish, but I will say this, I dig the criminal kid Sherlock vibes. 

What did you recently finish reading?

I actually have only read one book this month!! *hides in shame* It’s just been that kind of month, y’all. (Cars and jobs and homes and family issues all hit at once. Yuck.) So, the last book I read was Nightfall, the sixth book in the KOTLC series by Shannon Messenger.

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Thoughts: I adore the cover. Like really love that cover, you guys. And I loved the book! I think it may be my favorite in the series, but I’ve still got two more to go! Well…that are out anyway XD

What do you think you’ll read next?

Next, I still plan to read The Beautiful Beast by E. J. Hill! *hides in shame again* I was supposed to have this finished by the first of the month, but alas, I have fallen behind…

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Thoughts: I really am so very excited for this book and I hope to get to it quickly so I can give poor Emma my review. 


Well, that’s a wrap for this WWW Wednesday! Let me know what you think below!

Have you read any of the books above? What did you think? What books are you currently reading, looking forward to, and what have you recently finished reading?

We are officially halfway through the year! How are those 2020 reading goals coming along? Are you on target? Falling behind like me? XD Knocking it out of the park? I’d love to discuss it below!

Until next time!