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Another tag! YAY! These are so fun. šŸ˜€ Annnd, I am shamefully late in getting this one out. Sorry, Bethany (Check out her post and her blog here!) XD But thank you for the tag! I’m excited, so let’s dive in!

1. How many books are too many in a series?

As many as it takes for the series to turn to money pits. I love long series! I particularly love them when I find a world I could spend eternity in. I love every new chance to peer into the world. For the same reason, I love long books! I like dwelling in the realms and settling in for the long haul.

But…there does come a point where the books feel more like a push than true authentic additions to the world. The stories lose their shine and it’s like the author isĀ ready to move on, but can’t or won’t for some reason–whether that be publishers, readers, money, whatever. The point at which a book or series becomes a selling point instead of about theĀ story, that’s the point I cringe at. And it’s different for ever series.

Also, shout out to Bethany! I LOVEĀ Nancy Drew!Ā AndĀ The Hardy Boys, too. šŸ˜€

2. How do you feel about cliff hangers?

I have a love-hate relationship with them. It’s like riding a roller coaster. I’m terrified the whole time I’m standing in line and as the attendants are buckling me into my seat, I’m wondering if this was really such a great idea, if I’m in fact about to die, and if these will be my last moments on this earth. I have to calm myself down with logical thoughts like “this ride has been funtioning all day, people just walked out of here completely alive. You can do this. You’re going to live. It’ll be okay.” But my inner voice is screaming at me asking what on earth I was thinkingĀ again.Ā And yet…the ride is a thrill. And I go back. Every. Time. I’m a sucker for roller coasters. Even if I have mild panic attacks every time I wait for the operators to call “check” and send me to my doom.Ā 

Cliff hangers keep me turning pages long past when I should have called it a night. They give me the same thrill of adreneline and dig their claws into me deeper and deeper. Now, I will say this, there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. Weaving in excellent cliff hangers is not the same thing as leaving loose ends or writing a sloppy resolution.Ā 

3. Hardback or paperback?

Depends. Mostly on what I have for the other books in a series. For standalones, eh, I could go either way. I like hardbacks, actually. They’re nice and sturdy. They’re pretty, too. But I’m OCD and preserving the jacket is emotionally taxing XD Plus, paperbacks are cheaper, so…I’m certainly not opposed to them. I usually get the one with the cover I like better, or the cover I first read. I kind of imprint on the covers I first read, so those are the ones I’m biased toward.

That, and like I said, if it’s a series and I have a shelf full of hardbacks, I’m going to want the hardback to continue the trend. (Hate when publishers change covers in the middle of a series, guys!! ItĀ killsĀ me!) For instance, I went to B&N the other day and picked up Gail Carson Levine’sĀ Ogre Enchanted. It was gorgeous! And I’ve been dying to read it! But…after about half an hour (and a stack of books I had to whittle down), I chose to put it back because it was hardcover. My copy ofĀ Ella Enchanted is a soft cover, so this book would haveĀ swamped it. It was huge! And, the paperback looks like it’s going to have the same pretty cover (and aĀ muchĀ cheaper price!) when it comes out, so it’s a win-win!

4. Favorite book?

Ugh, rude.Ā 

5. Least favorite book?

No, but seriously. What kind of questions are these? XD Tell you what, check out my Book Review Index to see some of my thoughts. I’ll tell you this. I love fairy tales, and my current favorite author is Brittany Fichter. She’sĀ amazing!Ā I’m releasing my thoughts on her Classical Kingdoms series over the next several weeks, so check out the first one here, and stay tuned for more!

A few childhood favs (and I’m just gonna stick to fiction, here) are, um…The Goose Girl, Ella Enchanted, The Two Princesses of Bamarre, Eragon, Song of the Sparrow, The Giver, Gossamer, The Chronicals of Narnia, Double Identity, Pride and Prejudice, and gobbs more. Um, some favorite recents include anything by Fichter,Ā The False Prince, The Faraway CastleĀ series,Ā The Lunar Chronicles,Ā um…Cellier’sĀ Four KingdomsĀ books, Blackstock‘sĀ Restoration novels andĀ Newpointe 911 series. Oh, and of course, one of my very favorites ever is J. M. MacLeod’s Saga of the Singing Sword Brigade,Ā which has just recently been rereleased under a new title:Ā Inception of a Brigade.

As for least favorites…um…you know I didn’t care forĀ The 5th Wave. Super cool concept, couldn’t stand the writing.Ā Clockwork Angel had a good plot and really good characters, but I just didn’t get into the vampires and murdering creatures and dark. I didn’t really like Storm Front because there was so much language and graphic violence and sexual themes. I suppose that’s what I don’t like in books, poor writing, graphic content, and dark creatures without some kind of hope or light to contrast.

6. Love triangles, yes or no?

Ehhhhh….if they’re done right, I’m okay with them. But, it’s really hard to find one that’s well-done. So, generally no, but every now and then, yes.Ā 

7. The most recent book you couldn’t finish?

I’ve only ever not finished two–no…make that three books now. The most recent was one I won’t name. Let’s just say it was became explicit and I decided I was done with that…despite the other suspensful political intrigue that I’m still dying to know how turned out!Ā 

But the other two I may go back to one day. I didn’t finish Anne of Green Gables cause I got bored with it as a kid. Made it 3/4 the way through it too! And then the other was Lemony Snicket’s first book in the Unfortunate Events series. Again, I just got so bored with it. NothingĀ happened.Ā 

8. A book you’re currently reading?

SQUEEEE!Ā Right now I’m reading Fichter’sĀ Cinders, Stars, and Glass Slippers!! Guys, I’m in LOVE! LookĀ at this cover!?!?!Ā 


Is that notĀ gorgeous!Ā And the story so far has completely captured me! I love Cinderella, and Fichter has admitted that Cinderella is her favorite fairy tale, so I was pumped to begin with, butĀ this. I’m speechless!

9. Last book you recommended to someone?

Um…you know, it was actuallyĀ Inception of a Brigade. Sent it to a friend who is working on a fantasy novel. I thought she might find it not only a good story, but perhaps useful in her own writing as well. Highly recommend that one to anyone, truthfully! Excellent writing and an inspiring story that wraps its way around your heart!

10. Oldest book you’ve read? (publication date)

I don’t know about oldest book, ever, but according to Goodreads’ handy, dandy stats tool (yes, I am a total nerd, in case youĀ haven’t figured that out yet, and this isĀ not the first time I’ve used this tool XD): The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 1892, is the oldest book I’ve read since 2013. Ah, but I know P&P was 1813, so it’s older. Jane Austen for the win!

11. Newest book you’ve read? (publication date)

Um, I think that goes toĀ The Lady and the Wish by J. M. Stengl since it was just published, what, April? Yeah, April of this year, so a few months ago. I read it as an ARC. I have another ARC sitting on my kindle now that’s coming out soon, but it hasn’t been published yet, so I won’t count it šŸ˜‰

12.Ā  Favorite author?

Again with the favorites?!Ā Okay, like I said, Brittany Fichter is my current favorite. She’s absolutely amazing! Um, C. S. Lewis, of course, is a favorite. Terri Blackstock, Melanie Dickerson, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Gail Carson Levine, Shannon Hale, Mellanie Cellier, J. M. Stengl…mmm…yeah, let’s go with those. In no particular order. šŸ˜€

13. Buying books or borrowing?

Both. Long term? Buying. I like owning them, lining them up on my shelves, oggling and fawning over them like a nerd, and reading them whenever I please. But, I also like borrowing books from libraries and on my KU (KU is a godsend, guys!) when I’m tight on money. It also allows me to choose which books and authors are worth investing in and sitting on my shelves, since I am so choosey.Ā 

14. A book you dislike that everyone seems to love?

I think I’ll go with…the Clockwork Angel books again, by Cassandra Clare. Mortal Instruments I believe is the first series? I don’t know. Her covers are killer, but they just aren’t my genre–oh! Oh! I have an even better one. TheĀ Twilight books! *dies* Guys, why are those a thing?! I’m sure Stephanie Meyer put in a ton of hard work, and I don’t want to bash anybody when I don’t know everything, but Lord have mercy, those blew up.Ā And they just…they were so cliche! And the movies were cheesy! And vampires and lust and triangles. Goodness. Yeah, didn’t care for those, but my best friend adored them, so I got on earful XDĀ 

15. Bookmarks or dog-ears?

*gasp*Ā YouĀ wound me! Don’tĀ ever dog-ear a book! EVER!

Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative with the bookmarks šŸ˜€

16. A book you can always reread?

Oh *swoons*Ā my heart.Ā Ella Enchanted, Song of the Sparrow, The Goose Girl, The Singing Sword, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.Ā Several in that series, actually, but I’ll just put one for now. I’llĀ never tire of those five.

17. Can you read while listening to music?

Sometimes. Usually if it’s instrumental, I can. I like to read outdoors, and in comfy chairs, or sometimes on my bed. Nine times out of ten, I don’t have music on.

18. One POV or multiple POVs?

Um…yeah, I’m gonna echo Bethany, I think it depends. I actually kind of like seeing things from multiple povs, especially in fairy tales where I can get the perspective of both the hero and the heroine, but I honestly just like good books, no matter the povs.

19. Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

Both. Depends on the book. Depends on the circumstances. I can gush one down over the weekend when I’m feeling parched or read snippets of it during the week between responsibilities.Ā 

20. Who do you tag?

Oh, dear, I hope I don’t double tag since this one is so old. If I do, I’m sorry, guys! (I feel like I always tag the same people, but…it’s cause I love y’all.)

Caleb, cause I’d love to know your thoughts on these!Ā 

Honest Avacado

Jenna, Bookmark Your Thoughts

Whew! I made it! Okay, *looks back* Sorry for theĀ ridiculouslyĀ long post, guys! XD Maybe you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! That was super fun! Thanks, again, Bethany!