Guys! Guys! Guys! We reached 32 followers!! Thank you so much to each and every one of you. Thank you for reading, thank you for following, and thank you for commenting! Please share the blog with anyone and everyone whom you think may enjoy it. I’m excited to see this thing grow even more. My special thanks to the last three followers who helped us reach 30! Go check out these amazing blogs and tell them howdy for me!
The Author’s Attic by Rolena, an encouraging blogger with explosive creativity!
Bez&Co by Beznco, dedicated to creating a community of Christian word wizards!
A Writer Cooks by Smcwriter, who has so many delicious recipes! And book reviews!
As promised, I’ve decided to start a new segment. You followed, so now I’m going to respond with more content. Please leave comments and let me know what you guys think of the new idea and feel free to tell me how you like the current content so far. If there’s something you’d like more of, let me know that too!
So, as of right now, I’ve been posting on Mondays and Thursdays (except for the one single post that published on Friday because I flew across several time zones and it messed up my automatic schedule!!! GRRR!!). This next segment, I plan to add onto Wednesdays.
Thoughts on Thursdays
Thursday is my blog day, my normal day, and as such, I’ve designated it as Thoughts on Thursdays. These are the standard posts with my random contemplations. (Hehe, these are the days you get to see my crazy come out!) Thursday is my favorite day of the week (fun fact!), and it’s the day I started the blog on, coincidentally. These are the days I’ve reserved for my philosophical discussions and light-hearted musings. You can now use the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the site and filter the posts by category. Every Thoughts on Thursdays post will be categorized as such—as well as by any other applicable categories.
If there are any ideas or topics you guys would like me to explore, use the contact page to let me know! I’m happy to start a discussion or offer my opinion on any topics you’re curious about. I want to provide content that you guys are excited about and enjoy reading, so please feel free to leave your input. Thursdays are the days you’ll find these kinds of ideas and posts.
Media Mondays
Okay, so media is stretching it a little. 🙂 But you’ll find the Book Reviews published on Mondays. I’ve thought about maybe adding music or movie reviews here too, but I like the consistency of book reviews and I have tons of them to share. I’m a bookworm to my core and I am dedicated to providing feedback both for the authors as well as for the many potential readers of the book.
This was the second segment I added to the blog. I am very active on Goodreads, so it was an easy way to provide more content. The reviews have a specific structure, which you can read about under What Do I Look For In a Book? Additionally, I’ve made a point to include a link to the book on Goodreads, the genre, and page count (when available). You will also find a picture of the cover and the synopsis followed by my review. The last section will include any sequels, if applicable, links to the books, my rating of the sequels I’ve read, and whether or not the series should be read in order. This is the section that will also hold release dates for unpublished sequels. Be sure to check back after the release date and I will update the review when I read and post the sequel review to Goodreads.
I have intentionally posted one non-fiction book review per month. Fun fact, research shows that one common trait of many millionaires is that they read an average of one non-fiction book a month. (Seeing a correlation? ;-D) Furthermore, I have grown to appreciate non-fiction the older I’ve become. There are several wonderful books that inspire personal growth as well as some great books on amazing people from our history. Because I want to be the best me I can be, I choose to read non-fiction every now and then and because that is a part of my reading pallet, I want to share some of those reviews with you guys too.
Thus far, I’ve only posted four and five star reviews. At the moment, I don’t see the point in publishing any lower star reviews here because I’d much rather share and recommend the good books that I did enjoy! I’m sure eventually I may post some three star reviews, but there aren’t many two or one stars that are worth sharing. I have a do not not finish policy (unless there is a very strong reason to put the book down; it’s part of the OCD in me and I’m so not a quitter XD), so I do have a few one and two star reviews, but generally, I don’t make a habit of bestowing those.
Another thing, I’ve only posted reviews for the first book in a series or stand alone novels. I haven’t decided whether or not I will post reviews to sequels yet. If that’s something you guys are interested in seeing, let me know! Again, if there are any specific books you guys are curious about, let me know that too. I may not guarantee that I’ll read the requests, but I’ll certainly consider them. I’ll tell you right now, I won’t read horror and I won’t read anything with angels and demons. I’m much more likely to agree to reading a mystery, fantasy, or fairy tale, but I’m open to other genres. I like indie authors and am all for ARCs too!
Writing on Wednesdays
And now, finally, the moment I hope you’ve all been waiting for! The new segment of the blog will be about writing! Because I hate spammy emails, I don’t ever want to post so much you guys get annoyed. I’ve decided to put this on kind of a trail basis and post two Writing on Wednesdays a month. If you guys like the idea and the posts, I may consider adding the posts more frequently.
For the first Wednesday of every month, I will write a post on an author. There are several new indie authors I’m becoming a fan of as well as a few of my favorites whom I have in mind for these. My hope is that you guys may find a new author to enjoy or find an author we both like and can talk about. I want to use this day to tell you about the author and why I like them, what they’ve written, etc. This will give you an opportunity, hopefully, to find more than just a book I recommend, but an author I trust and a whole new pile of books you can choose from!
On the third Wednesday of the month, I will feature a piece of my own creative writing. To begin with, I will most likely post several pieces of writing I already have written and saved. Eventually, however, I think this may be another form of accountability for me to continue to produce new pieces. I have a horde of prompts that I haven’t touched that I can use for inspiration, but even so, writing isn’t an on demand thing. (At least not for me!) That said, I can’t be sure I can consistently provide new work, so I will use some of my older pieces to fill in those gaps.
Now, for this Writing on Wednesday thing to work, I need your help. I need feedback! Particularly for the second post. Tell me what you think of the short stories, poems, and excerpts. Let me know what you like and what you don’t, what you want more of and what you want less of. This will help me grow as a writer, which is one of my biggest goals. So, please don’t be shy about leaving comments on the writing!
Eventually, maybe we can expand this segment to include writing tips and discussions on technique, characters, world building, settings, etc. It would be fun to do some research and play around with some prompts or maybe even have a few contests. Until then, we’re going to try this out and see how you guys respond! This will be the most interactive segment of the blog and I’m very excited (and a little nervous!) to see how it goes and what you think!!
In conclusion, we’re going places! Haha! Thank you for your support. I can’t wait to hear what you all think and to start this new segment. Please, please, please leave a comment with your ideas, questions, complaints, concerns, encouragement, feedback, etc. Don’t leave me to wonder what’s going through your head! Let’s get to know each other and create a community of writers and readers and fellow believers!
Love always,
And no fear, I already have a really Fun idea for a Friday segment! 😉
Yay! This sounds great!! 😀
I’m so glad! I was hoping the idea would be well received.