by Coralie | All, Tags on Tuesdays
Well, good evening! As it turns out, I have been tagged by the lovely Jenna who runs the quaint Bookmark Your Thoughts blog! (What a cool name, am I right?!) She posts book reviews, nifty bullet journal posts, and the neatest book tags! I love reading her work and you...
by Coralie | All, Book Reviews
Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need by Dr. Meg Meeker Non-fiction. 256 Pages. 5 Stars Synopsis: “Your go-to gift for new fathers.” — Dave Ramsey, New York Times bestselling author, motivational speaker, and radio host Whether you know it or...
by Coralie | All, Thoughts on Thursdays
Alright, y’all, welcome back to the embarrassing misadventures of my life! So, last week, I left a teaser for this week’s thought. It’s February, so I figured it would be fitting to focus on love for the month, and I’ve tried to take a few...
by Coralie | All, Book Reviews
Before Beauty by Brittany Fichter Fantasy. 220 Pages. 5 Stars Synopsis: Prince Everard’s father spent the boy’s youth forging the prince into a warrior. Upon the king’s death, however, Everard realizes he’s lost himself somewhere along the way, and in his...
by Coralie | All, Thoughts on Thursdays
“You…complete me.” Nearly every self-respecting chick-flick spectator can tell you exactly what comes next. It’s the starry-eyed moment every school-girl dreams of: her very own Jerry Maguire to interrupt with an epic line. And then they run...
by Coralie | All, Short Stories, Writing on Wednesdays
Babysitting Grandma A Short Story by Coralie “Grandma, NO!” I said for the third time, frustration giving my voice a sharp edge and my features an unusually stern authority. I was just as obstinate as she was and even more so in times like this....
by Coralie | All, Book Reviews
The Good Fight: How Conflict Can Bring You Closer by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott Non-fiction. 288 Pages. 4 Stars Synopsis: Discover the secret to a genuinely happy marriage! Drawing on extensive research and their years as marriage counselors, Drs. Les and Leslie...
by Coralie | All, Thoughts on Thursdays
Good evening, y’all! And a Happy Valentine’s Day to you! Ah, yes, ’tis the season of love. We talked a little bit about love last week and how there is Only One Love that is true and unconditional for all of eternity, but tonight, I kind of want to...
by Coralie | All, Book Reviews
A Dance of Silver and Shadow by Melanie Cellier Fantasy. 346 Pages. 5 Stars Synopsis: When Princess Liliana and her twin sister set sail for new lands, Lily hopes to find adventure and romance. But the people of Marin live under the shadow of a curse—one powerful...
by Coralie | All, Thoughts on Thursdays
Are you searching for something? Do you feel something’s missing in your life? Or maybe something’s just missing in you? Do you question every move you make? Or maybe you only question every other move. Do you try your best to be the best you can...