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Word Wise

Word Wise

Have you ever heard that little ditty? You know the one kids sing to each other as a taunt and adults mutter under their breath as reassurance? “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I’ve heard it a thousand times. I’ve said it a few...
Word Wise

Can’t Never Could

My aunt always told me “Can’t never could.” I’ve also heard it said this way, “If you think you can’t or if you think you can, you’re right.” It’s crazy how much your belief in your ability actually affects the outcome of your performance. When you choose to believe...
Word Wise

Rose-Colored Glasses

How do you see the world around you? A few weeks ago, I let you in and told you about one of the ways I see the world around me, specifically how I look at time and people (See It’s a Colorful Life). I believe that everyone sees the world through a different set of...
Word Wise

Dear Disappointment

Do you ever find yourself in situations where you’re really, super excited about something and then things turn out way differently than you were expecting? I think everyone, on some level, has experienced this. Sometimes we’re let down. By people, places, and things....
Word Wise

It’s a Colorful Life

Announcement: We’re at 20 followers! Come on guys! Share share share! We can hit 30!  I’m a colorful person. What do I mean by that? Well, a few thing. I’m slightly OCD, so I organize almost everything and I color-code a lot. I’m one of those people who gets...
Word Wise

A Day of Rest

First of all, there have been several new followers to the blog recently and I’d like to thank all of you who have chosen to follow GraceBought. I am so grateful to you for taking the time to follow the content I post here. It kind of blows my mind that people want to...