by Coralie | All, Friends on Fridays
Hello, fellow fans of Coralie! Today I’m popping by to give some advice on how I outline. So let’s jump right in! The Bullet Point Method I call my outlining technique the “bullet point method” because, well, I use bullet points to outline. If you try to outline using...
by Coralie | All, Friends on Fridays
Hey everyone! Melissa here, and I can already feel myself getting worked up over the first sentence on the page. Everyone has that fear, the first line you draw, the first word you type, the very irrational, yet real, feeling that you can possibly mess up the...
by Coralie | All, Book Reviews, Friends on Fridays
Hey, guys! Welcome to our first Friends on Fridays! Eep! Yay!! Today, my friend Juliet has a book review for us. This is a book I haven’t read yet, but an author who is a friend and one I’m excited to check out. And without further ado, here is Ms. Juliet...
by Coralie | All, Friends on Fridays
Hey, guys! How is everyone? Alive? Bored to death at home? This “social distancing” is an introvert’s paradise, so I’m just chillin here, personally. But I know a lot of you are extroverts and you’re itching from cabin fever! Well, I...