Caleb has tagged me for the Book Lover Blog Tag. Thank you, Caleb! I really enjoyed reading yours! It was a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to doing the tag myself!
Here we go!
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
- Include the Book-Lover Blog Tag graphic and rules in your post.
- Answer the questions.
- Nominate at least 5 new bloggers to do the tag.
Onward, my wayward son!
What is your favorite thing about reading?
Oh, goodness, what a question. Hitting hard right off the bat, aren’t we! Caleb, you had a great answer, so I’m going to leapfrog off of that. I do love the emotion I get when reading! I love exploring worlds and getting into the heads of amazing characters, seeing what they see, hearing what they hear, and breathing the air they breathe! I love falling in love with them over and over again, fighting for their causes, and weeping for their losses. I love getting to know them, rooting for them, fearing for them, and calling them lots of names when they do stupid things. 😀 And, of course, the smell of books and physically holding them while I’m curled up and thumbing through them, also as Caleb pointed out, is such a joy.
Which male character is your favorite?
*weeps* I really don’t like all the favorite questions! Can you tell?! Okay, hmm…you know, I adore Peter Pevensie. I really do. He is one of my very favorite male characters. (And, spinning of off that, Brittany Fichter’s King Peter 😀 is an excellent addition to the name.) Peter is humble, but he does what’s right. He loves his siblings and feels responsible for them. I always related so much to him as the oldest of four (now five, for me, but it was four for the first 18 years of my life). He was strong and wise, kind and fair. And I loved him. I loved the nobility of the High King of Narnia and always wanted to meet someone like him. Still do.
*goes back to question after talking with sister who knows me better than I know myself* Guys, I love Sam from LOTR. He must be mentioned. Aragorn is a fav and I love the bromance with Legolas and Gimli, but Sam. Sam is the heart of that story and will forever remain one of my all time favorite characters.
Which female character is your favorite?
Favorite female character…wow, there are so many. Gosh, this one is hard. I always fall for the story or the world. I love so many characters. I never really think about if they’re girls or boys.
Okay, here’s one, Princess Addie from Levine’s Two Princesses of Bamarre. Though it took me a while to get around to actually reading this one, it’s become a childhood favorite of mine. And, when I was a younger girl, Addie just resonated with me. She was timid and shy, scared of everything and wholly dependent on her sister Meryl.
Now, I wasn’t terrified of everything, but I’m extrememly shy around strangers. It’s taken years to get me to come this far out of my shell. College helped with that a lot, but when I was little, I was the very definition of wallflour. In some ways, I still am, though I’ve gotten braver. I think books like this helped me learn to become braver. Addie loved Meryl so much. Their relationship was so strong, that Addie chose to be brave. She stepped out of her comfort zone–way out!–and went on a crazy adventure to save Meryl. And I always thought that was amazing.
Who is your favorite villain of all time?
Oohoohoo! Villains! My sister could gush on about them. She loves villains. The first one that pops into my head is Levana from The Lunar Chronicles. She was a fun villain with a backbone and a backstory. I really enjoyed her a lot. (Gosh, man, it’s so hard thinking through all of the millions of stories I’ve ever read to come up with just one answer!)
Oh, my gosh, I have to add Preminger from Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper. YAS! He has got to be one of my favorite villains!!! XD
Who is your least favorite character of all time?
Um…I’m not sure. Oh, you know, I didn’t like the kid that Eragon cursed! I didn’t mind the plot point, but the girl herself really kind of got on my nerves! Like I know she had been pretty royally screwed over, but Eragon never did it on purpose! She resented him so much and I guess I was kind of defensive. XD Oh, what was her name? Elva! Thanks, Google XD
Which book do you think has the strongest plot?
Totally stealing from Caleb, 100%: “HOW AM I TO CHOOSE?!” Like, what?! I don’t know! Every book is so different and genres and moods and…I honestly don’t think I can answer this one. Sorry, guys. *shrug*
What gets on your nerves the most in a story (a boring character, an unrealistic plot, etc.)?
Oof. Well, I have three strikes. 1. Foul language 2. Explicit romance 3. Graphic violence. In no particular order. I can handle tactfully done romance, violence, and langauge, but excessive gets my go. I suppose that’s more technical of an answer, so I’ll add that plausibility is kind of a big one for me, too. It’s hard to get into a book that isn’t well written, that strikes out, or that isn’t plausible. I’m a fantasy reader, so I can stretch a pretty far ways XD Doesn’t always have to be realistic, but it does have to be believable within your world or I check out.
Which book has the best cover (share a picture!)?
Heheheeee! I feel like a kid in a candy shop. How much time do you have? Cause this could be a while XD (No, seriously, feel free to scroll past, cause I’m legit about to spam you.) I’m so not restricting this to just one!
Don’t judge! You know they were pretty! *cough* I mean, they’re so aesthetically pleasing!
*Books I have not read yet.
**I know she just redid these covers, but I actually really liked the old ones!
Right, moving on…sorry about the detour there, folks. Actually, you know, I’m not. I’m really not. XD
*headdesk* *tears* I do…but I really should stop! I’m such a sucker! I get so excited about sharing recommendations and I get carried away…then I never see the book again. 🙁 I have four out currently that I need to just give up hope on and buy second copies of. And, yes, I prefer specific treatment. *doesn’t matter since they don’t return them*
If a movie could be made based on any book, which book would you choose?
Ooh! That’s a toughie. Let me preface, it must be done right! You know, Fichter’s Classical Kingdoms would be fun. The world is so vibrant and cool and the characters are heavenly. Let’s go with that.
Fun fact, though, I always joke that I’m going to start a Book-to-Movie filming company one day, (sis and I came up with the epic name By the Book!), that does book adaptations right. The way that’s true to the author’s intent and heart of the story. Some things gotta change, yeah, but come on guys, did you see Eragon? And Ella Enchanted? That’s just pitiful. So, any aspiring directors, screenwriters, filmogrophers, etc. out there, let me know! 😉
Which author has inspired you most?
Of all the rotten questions. Hmm. Well, I’ve been inspired in stages, so I’ll briefly pick a few. First, Terri Blackstock showed me that I could write Christian fiction that wasn’t strictly cheesy Christian romance. It was tactful, inspiring, and a good story. Then, Melanie Dickerson showed me that I could write Christian fairy tales and that blew my mind. Her stories were historical fiction, with no magic, which means she had to work around a lot of obsticals, and I loved that. And lastly, Brittany Fichter has shown me the kind of writing and the kind of stories I want to write. She’s shown me stories with depth: characters I want to look up to and befriend who are real and struggle, but good and kind, too; plots that are gripping, entertaining, enthralling, and inspirational; and expansive worlds that are so cool! And, lastly, Lewis is a childhood inspiration. I always wanted to write a series like Narnia, something that rang with truth and settled into your heart for the long haul.
What single book would you be unable to live without?
The Bible aside as the obvious answer, I think I’d have to go with one of my childhood classics that I could reread at any time. Hmm, maybe it’s cause I’m doing a Cinderella retelling at the moment, but I’m going to go with Ella Enchanted. Love that one!
Okay, you made it though another obsenely long book tag from the ever-long-winded Coralie!
Time for tags!
Well, can’t tag you on this one Caleb 😉 (but lookout, got one coming your way soon!)
Jenna, Bookmark Your Thoughts (I think you’d enjoy this one!)
Honest Avacado (cause I always seem to tag you XD)
Oliva, Liv for Him
Bethany, Shastin’s Notebook
WOW!!!! This is an intense tag!! I’m nervous now ha-ha! Thank you for tagging me 😄 And no shame about pretty covers! I love beautiful and minimalist covers … they are beautiful and great decor! PETER!!! He’s such a sweetheart! I love his character development. They ruined it for me in the movie though with that weird fight for power (second movie) … because Peter was NOT like that in the book from what I recall.
I grew up around people from the East Coast and truckers, so foul language is like second nature to me *ashamed*. But it does turn me off in books. I read one a month ago and the amount of swearing was SO UNNECESSARY! If it reflects a certain group of people and time period, or if it’s used seldom, I don’t mind. But it can be a little much.
Explicit romance — depends. I’ve read some tastefully done. But the “get right into it over the top” stuff? Not a fan. I like when certain books describe how a character FEELS rather than the description of the act — especially since it can help people understand what feelings are natural. Again, super picky about that though. Graphic violence … noooooot really a fan either. I like when battle scenes are described, but the actual gore and stuff? Nahhhh … I’m goooood.
Great answers, darlin’! And honestly, WHO DOESN’T LOVE SAM??!!
Oh my goodness! I couldn’t agree more! Prince Caspian was one of my favorite books, but the movie was soured because of what the did to poor Peter!! It was SO out of character!
I am no stranger to it either. I’m a red-neck, hillbilly girl XD I find it shows a lack of creativity most of the time, but you said it well: if it’s used properly, intentionally, and sparingly, it can be so much more effective!
Shoot, I just don’t want the images stuck in my head! XD Unnecessary! And, I don’t know, maybe I’m old fashioned, but I think it should be something sacred and private, not shared with the world. Now, that said, I’ve read books that imply or cut scene and I’m okay with that. It’s a part of life. It happens. And it isn’t wrong or shameful when done as God intended. But that doesn’t mean I need the details! And, same with violence. I’m all for an epic battle, but no need to give me a mental pic to scar me XD
YAS!! Sam is my man! All the way! 😁 Thanks!! I can’t wait to see yours!
I know, eh?? They also aged Caspian which I wasn’t a fan of.
LMAO!!! I feel you … I actually have to watch what I read because I’m so visual and I don’t want certain images stuck with me.
Yess!! And all to create some made up romance between him and Susan! I totally forgot about that!
This was fun to read!! 😛
I thought so too!
That it was fun to do, that is 😊