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Hey, guys! I know I normally post on Thursdays, but yesterday was long at work and my brain was kind of fried. That said, I really wanted to put out a post this week about Good Friday and Easter weekend, so I thought you all would bear with me if I posted a day late. 🙂

It’s that time of year again. We rejoice for the three day (or four day, depending on where you work and/or go to school) weekend! We either abhor sugary peeps or we love them (by the way, love is the correct answer 😉 ). We rush to the stores to get brightly colored baskets and brightly colored paints. We boil dozens of eggs and dress up our little ones, posing them for the perfect picture to post on social media. There are talking rabbits and chocolate bunnies galore. And everyone knows the Cadbury eggs are a seasonal treat! 

We will spend months getting rid of all of the green and pink Easter grass, and I’m sure I’ll still find squished jelly beans in the oddest places weeks from now. Much like the Christmas season, Easter is easy to get lost in the middle of all of the fuss. Some parents do their darndest to impress their kids, and some just want to make childhood memories that last a lifetime. Either way, Easter can be a fun season for all, bunnies or no. But, if you think about it, there would be no Easter…without Good Friday.

If you aren’t familiar with the Easter story, let me give you the quick recap: As a Christian, I believe that God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to earth as a baby–that’s Christmas. He lived as a human, grew as a human, loved and hurt as a human, and lived a perfect live–not perfect as in the best life one could live, but perfect as in faultless. He was perfect, is perfect. He grew into a man and followed God’s call on His life, pursuing ministry and becoming the single-most influential man in history. 

But not everyone was happy with the influence of Jesus, and so, they arranged circumstances to their advantage. And we killed an innocent man in the most horrific way possible. We crusified our King, mocked Him and beat Him. We scorned Him and treated Him in unimaginable ways. We hung Him on a wooden cross and left Him alone to die. We rejected Him. That’s Good Friday.

We not only killed an innocent man, we not only brutally murdered the very Son of God, but we rejoiced in it. And today, nearly 2000 years later, Christians around the globe pause to remember that horrific day. We have memorialized this day so that we may never forget the sacrifice of Christ. We stop to awknowledge that He intentionally, knowingly, and willingly gave up His life. For us.

And three days later…He rose. That. That’s Easter.

Now, if you aren’t familiar with all of the intricate details, we can chat about those later if you’d like. Feel free to send me a message. Or read the Bible for yourself to learn why a man would do such a thing as this. But the core of the matter is this: God sent His Son. His Son chose to die on our behalf. We are the ones who killed Him. Happily at that. Today we mourn, but tomorrow? Tomorrow we rejoice. 

My Father loves me unconditionally. I know this because of what He’s done. I know that “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13 NIV). And He laid His down for more than just those who loved Him. He laid His life down for more than just His friends and His family. Christ laid His life down for me. He laid it down for you. He laid His life down for every man, woman, and child ever born–or unborn–in the history of mankind, even those who continue to reject Him. That, my friends, is love.

Nothing in this world can make me doubt the Father’s love for me. He experienced my pain, my loss, my anger, and my hurt. He lived to know my temptation and my sorrow. He lived to know me. And He swore to be by my side no matter what. Even when the storms rage, Jesus walks with me. I look back and I see His footprints in the sands of my life. I don’t have to doubt Him. Everything around me may fall apart at the seams. I may feel abandonded. I may feel lost. I may feel pain, regret, confusion, and fear. But in my heart, I know my God is with me. Because He said so. And He never breaks His promises!

He made a way for me to live with Him, at the cost of His own life. So, as much a I love Easter–and guys, I do, Easter is one of the greatest days of the year for us–I cannot let Good Friday be forgotten. I cannot forget the selfless love and the unimaginable sacrifice ever be diminished in my heart. The cross must stand in my heart, clear as day, everyday. For without the cross, there would be no risen King, and there would be no joyful reunion with the Father. 

This earth will fade away one day. It’s broken now, but one day it will be whole again. My goal in life is to live in such a way that I become the woman God created me to be. I hope that through the choices I make, I can watch as the Creater of the universe shapes me and prepares me for a life without pain, without fear, and without hopelessness. For a world without brokenness and without darkness. Even then and there, may we never forget the cost. 

For there is nothing I could ever do to earn my place by my Savior’s side. It is by His grace and by His grace alone that I can even entertain the idea of facing my Father again. I have been separated from God by my own doing, but by the blood of Christ and the power of the cross I am reunited with my family, I am accepted into heaven.

What makes Good Friday good when such horrific things took place on that day? It’s Good because Christ gives us hope. Because Christ loves us. Even when we spurn Him, Christ loves us. He has forgiven us everything we’ve ever done and everything we’ll ever do. He knows we aren’t enough. He knows we can never repay Him. We can never dream of earning our redemption. It isn’t possible. There’s far too much blood on our hands. But His blood washes away every stain. And His arms stretch from the east to the west, waiting to embrace us with His unconditional love. All we have to do, is accept.

So, spend time with your families. Love your children. Buy that box of peeps. Roll your eyes at the endless Easter grass. Color eggs. Hide eggs. Eat eggs. But don’t ever forget what it cost. And don’t wait to accept His loving embrace. He yearns for you. He already did what needed to be done to bring you to Him. Now you have the opportunity to accept His gift. Accept Him today. Because today is Good.

Love always,

Here’re a few songs to chew on!

His Eye Is On the Sparrow by Lauryn Hill and Tanya Blount

East to West by Casting Crowns

Judas’ Kiss by Petra

He’s Alive by David Phelps and the Gaither Vocal Band

And two of my personal favorites:

This Man by Jeremy Camp

All Over Me by Petra

Have a blessed weekend, y’all!