Hey, guys! How is everyone? Alive? Bored to death at home? This “social distancing” is an introvert’s paradise, so I’m just chillin here, personally. But I know a lot of you are extroverts and you’re itching from cabin fever!
Well, I can’t do anything about the virus or the “quarantine,” but I thought this might be a good time to introduce the new segment I’ve been thinking about. Truthfully, this segment has been an idea since almost the beginning of this little blog, but now I think I’m finally gonna try it out and see how it goes. 😀
So, in addition to my intermittent Thoughts on Thursdays and Tags on Tuesdays, I post the weekly Book Reviews that come out on Mondays–probably my favorite part of GB. I’ve also done the occasional Author Spotlight and Writing Snippet for Writing on Wednesdays. Last year, I adopted the WWWednesdays and that has been a monthly post since, one that I quite enjoy personally. Well, now it’s time for another monthly segment, that is, if I can get enough support for it.
Friends on Fridays
Whoot! *throws confetti* 😀 On the last Friday of the month, I’d like to host a guest post. I’ve got a few people interested at the moment and I hope to find more as time goes on. (Side note, if you are interested, leave a note in the comments or send me one through the Contact page!)
At this point, the segment is wide open. I’ve got a book review lined up for the first Friends on Fridays next month that I’m really looking forward to. I’m also open to just a normal guest post, sort of your own Thoughts on Thursdays or Christian living, something that looks more like a traditional blog post. Again, use the Contact page to run your idea by me and we can totally set something up. You can write tips for cooking, share a fun recipe, or give us a post about writing and tell us what you’ve learned about characters, worlds, plots, etc. Maybe you want to post a movie review or gush and nerd out over a fandom. You could use the spot in any number of ways. I really want to kind of keep this up to the guests.
My hope is to expose you guys to new bloggers and to cultivate an environment of sharing. I want to learn from some of my friends and I hope you can learn something, too. I also want to give a space to some new bloggers to try out guest blogging for maybe the first time. My little corner of the world is just that, little, so this would be a great practice space. That’s what it’s been for me. <3
So…what do you think?
Alright, well that’s about it for the intro! Any questions? Comments, concerns, fears, excited squeals?! Leave a comment. Let me know what you think! I look forward to hearing from you!
Love always,