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Alright, my dear NaNoites! (Sure…we’ll go with that XD) We’re heading into the second full week of November, stakes are high, NaNo is in full swing, and we’re starting to feel the heat!

How are y’all doing? How’s everyone coming along? Are you surviving? It’s tough. I feel you! I’m a lil behind, but it’s all good. We’re good. I’m good. It’s going to be okay. XD

So, quick recap: 

Know the Novel is a 3-part writers linkup series, one for each of these last three months of the year. It was created by Christine Smith and you can find the post that fully explains everything here.

Each part will feature ten questions that focus on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going before, during, and after NaNoWriMo. You can find her post for Part Two, specifically, here

To see my first post, Part One: Introduction, see here. 

Okay, here we go!

The Questions

1. How’s the writing going overall?

It’s been…unusual, actually. Kinda like pullin’ teeth. Not to write, but to know what to write, I guess. That sounds all topsy turvy, but I don’t know how else to say it. I have the story in my head, but it just squirms out of my grasp when I sit down to write it. It’s like trying to hold oil.

I’ve gotten just over 13,000 words, so I’m not terribly behind, but I feel more scatterbrained writing this story than I ever have before. Nothing I’ve written has been in any sort of chronological order. It’s more like I’m writing in snippets, scenes, and partial scenes that are at all points in the story, and I’m struggling to figure out how to string them together. I’ve never had so much trouble with a story before as I have this one, and I don’t quite know why. 

2. What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?

I think the most fun has been telling an old story with a new set of eyes. I love Lenora and I love puzzling out how the beloved elements of the Cinderella story fit into Lenora’s story, how they’re unique and new and twisted up. 

3. What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favorite to write about?

I think…they’re slippery. They’re hiding things from me and I’m pretty determined to figure them out.

Lenora cracked open for me a few months ago, so mostly I’m just ironing out a few kinks with her, though she still tends to throw me a curve ball now and again. I’ve worked really hard on trying to learn more about

Morgana over the last few months, too, and I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of her. Drawing her out and seeing how she fits into the story is still a little tricky, but I feel comfortable with her. I feel like she needs more screen time than I’ve given her thus far, and each time I give her any spotlight, she stares me down, daring me to record her life.

Scarlett…Scarlett is definitely hiding. She’s ducking around me and it’s frustrating. I need her, but she’s laughing at me and skirting around me when I reach for her. When I put her in the middle of the room, she like clams up and refuses to cooperate. 

Charles is my wildcard. He plays well with others, but then he shoots off his mouth and says something that is so undeniable, and yet, no one knew. For instance, he was talking with Lenora at the ball and out of nowhere just decided to blurt out “I hate peacocks.” I was like “What? Um…okay. Good to know.” Like what? And he keeps doing it! It’s like I have no idea who he is, but his eyes twinkle and he grins at me, “Oh, you will. You will.” 

Celosia is possibly my least developed. And, honestly, I’m a little worried. Everyone else at least has a strong, vivid, particular personality and voice. But Celosia feels whitewashed, plastered up against the wall. She says little and things less. Cinderella has to have a voice in this story. I need her! But she’s behind this sealed wall and I can’t seem to find a foothold. I did learn that she writes, but that’s all. 

4. Has your novel surprised you in any way?

Hah, Charles. Charles surprises me all the time. Every time he pops in, I learn something new. 

You know, Morgana also has a few tricks up her sleeve that have actually had a pretty heavy impact on the story. I think one of the best things I did was dig into her story to understand her character more, which led to quite a few revelations about how she operates, what she values, and, in turn, how Lenora’s story moves. 

5. Have you come across any problem areas?

Oof. My world is the least-developed world of any story I’ve ever written. And that is so not like me! I’m getting caught up on little things, like names of towns or whether or not a woman can own a shop. I can’t decide if the pencil I put in the last two scenes is appropriate for the world and time, but it’s hard to keep writing if I’m concerned about a stupid pencil. Pen or quill? Little things like that. 

Between that and this weird inability to write chronologically and string my scenes together has definitely been the most problematic part of this whole process. 

As for the story itself, I think I’ve worked out most of the kinks there. The plot issues I’ve spent the last year mulling over, changing, developing, and marinating on, so unless something drastic happens…I think all of the pieces should fit together…when I manage to get them all out of my scatterbrained head, that is. 

6. What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?

Hmm. Biggest victory. Biggest victory. Well, I certainly lost the battle I was fighting for my original outline XD So that doesn’t count. I’ll have to write an alternate ending or something like that I guess.

But for biggest victory? I don’t know. Not yet anyway. It’s all still so twisted up. Maybe Lenora. I really, really like how she’s come along so far and I have big hopes for her. I truly hope I can do her justice, show who she really is and her journey the way they deserve to be shown.

7. If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?

Ooh! This is a fun question! Ohh…this is a hard question. Hmm. I kind of want to say Lenora cause I like her so much, but she’s so mean! XD I think I’d most likely be more like Celosia. Quiet, soft-spoken. Take the lemons life hands me and hope for better days, try to be who I’m mean to be in spite of the circumstances.

I think I might look for ways to proactively change my future. I’d try to squirrel away money, look for another job, or make preparations to move to another town. I don’t know much about Celosia, but for some reason, I do know that she isn’t actively looking for a way out. In fact, she’s dead determined to stay, and I’m only beginning to uncover why. 

8. Give us the first sentence or paragraph then 2 (or 3!) more favorite snippets!

Eep! *hides* Okay, so I did say I was working on this out of order, but I have a potential opening (two actually), so I can share one of those and then I’ll see if I can find a snippet I actually like to share too. (Also, please ignore the switch between 3rd and 1st person. I’m a mess.)

This is the original opening, though it may very easily change: 

“Papa!” Lenora ran through the house, swerving just in the nick of time to avoid toppling the laundry maid. The woman emitted a strangled noise and rose her load into the air, twisting out of the child’s path. Harrumphing, the maid shook her head and continued to the stairs to finish collecting the dirty linens.

“My little light!” Lenora’s father picked her up and swung her round, sending peals of laughter throughout the small home. As he set her down, another little girl approached him. She walked slowly, elegantly like her mother and rested her hands on her skirts when she reached him. The girl stared up at him through the same ice blue eyes as her younger sister.

“And my little raven,” Papa smiled at Scarlett, tapping her small nose with his large finger.

“Father,” she bowed her head, but a small smile played on her rosy lips. “We’re very glad you’re home.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else in the world,” he replied, rubbing Lenora’s head fondly and kissing the top of Scarlett’s raven head.


Ooh, okay, and here’s one of my earlier scenes, too. I actually had a lot of fun with this one, but I’ll only share a small bit. Here’s Lenora at the ball:

Rubbing my temples, I glanced at the nearest buffet table. I was tempted to find better company, but if I was honest, no better company would have put up with me. I dared a glance at Mother. Her thin lips curved up slightly under her roaming gaze. While she continued to size-up Scarlett’s competition, I slipped out of her range and toward the table against the far wall.

I wasn’t very hungry, but it was at least entertaining to see what delicacies the monarchy had splurged on for the event. The prince would have nothing less than heavily spiced beef stew, honeyed breads, and…were those stuffed peacocks? A giggle slipped out. I couldn’t help it. I put a gloved hand to my mouth to cover the sound. Though the food did smell spectacular, the peacocks on display simply looked, well, ridiculous. What an extravagant and completely unnecessary addition to the feast.

“Something amuses you about my table?”

My heart nearly leapt out of my chest as I spun to face none other than the prince. Quickly, I dipped into an elegant curtsy. “No, Your Highness, of course not.”

“Huh.” I saw his arms cross and his weight shift from one foot to the other. He gave me an appraising look. His eyes were narrowed as he considered me, searching up and down. I tried not to flush at the attention, keeping my head down. I berated myself for my folly.

“That’s too bad,” he said nonchalantly. From the corner of my eye, I saw him shrug, “I rather imagined I’d found someone with half their wits about them, but I suppose not.”

He turned to go, and I rose, eyes narrowed. Before I thought better of it, I opened my mouth and words I most certainly did not approve shot out, “I rather imagined it took someone with wits at all to recognize anyone else with them.”


Fun fact: Lenora and Charles were never supposed to meet, or talk, or, well, anything. But now, we’ll just say they’ve changed the story in quite a few ways.

9. Share an interesting tidbit about the writing process so far! (For example: Have you made any hilarious typos? Derailed from your outline? Killed off a character? Changed projects entirely? Anything you want to share!)

Mmm, okay. Well, I had originally outlined, quite spectacularly if I may say so, a super plot-twisted trilogy of misinterpreted tales all told from Lenora’s perspective. Cinderella was the foundation, the story that started hers into motion and led to a complicated path of unfortunate fractured tales and challenged her character in multiple ways.

Then I let my sister and two of my best friends read what I’d started. *sigh* Then they ganged up on me and presented it to my brother, who proceeded to write his own ending and use his incredible powers of persuasion conflict me further. Guys, they have messed with my head and challenged me to look at this in a whole new way. So, the outline is currently under construction–just great when you’re knee-deep in NaNo, right? I’m debating on one of two possible endings and I think that debate has significantly impacted the way this story is going to go, regardless of how the story ends.

Also, in preparation for this novel, I have read, watched, taken notes on, and come into contact with more Cinderellas than you can possibly imagine. I am becoming an expert in all things Cinderella XD Jewelry, figurines, stickers, movies, cartoons, short stories, books, novellas, little kids books, you name it. And I absolutely love it. I really do. It’s been soooo much fun! If you have any recommendations, drop them below! Help out a friend!

10. Take us on a tour of what a normal writing day for this novel looks like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!

A’ight. So, I’m a teacher. Most days start out with me hitting my snooze button and begging time to rewind so I can get just a little more sleep. When I finally drag myself out of bed, I sit down to have my quiet time because no day is right without it. I really am a morning person, promise! I just have to have breakfast first XD

After work, I come home, prep and eat dinner, catch up on emails, set things out for the next day, and then have a little bit of time to write at the end of the day. Lately, I’ve been writing way later than I should, putting it off and doing other things first. But, I’m trying to work on that. 

I don’t typically write with a specific drink, though I am never going to say no to a fantastic cup of hot cocoa, made with milk and a dash of hazelnut creamer? Ooh, yes. Yes, please. I’ve also recently tried putting a buttload of rediwhip on top. MMM! Guys, that’s where it’s at! 

I do often write with music on in the background. I prefer movie soundtracks because lyrics tend to distract me. I’ve used the P&P soundtrack more times than I can recall. The only track there I find distracting is the militia one. I also love the Prince Caspian soundtrack a lot. Any Narnian music is amazing. (That lullaby, though! <3) And, recently, I’ve used the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack a lot, too. It’s great for when you need motivation to write or are working on more exciting scenes. I have a track from the Gladiator movie, but I haven’t been able to find the whole track for it.

I have written on my couch, in my bed, at my kitchen table, on the floor of my church, at my Sunday school teacher’s counter in her home, at work, on paper, in notebooks, on loose leaf paper, on my laptop, in pajamas, my winter coat, way past bedtime, in the middle of the day, and in some other way I’m probably forgetting. I probably need some more consistency in this area, but…I’m kind of taking what I can get when and where I can get it at this stage of life.

I did purchase a new laptop this month, specifically to dedicate to writing, and I absolutely love it. Truly. It’s been amazing. I can bookmark specific posts and not get all cluttered and mixed in with my normal, everyday bookmarks, mix my files with work, etc. I even got a mermaid sticker to put on it and I love it! (I just put it on today, actually! Eep!) I wanted the laptop to be easy to take with me on the go, so lightweight, and solely dedicated to writing projects, research, etc. so that I could get into the single-minded focus of writing when I used it. No social media (just email occasionally and YDubs), so fewer distractions. No Netflix (I did log into Amazon prime, but it was for a Cinderella movie on prime video), only my writing playlists and Cinderella research on Youtube. So far, it’s been awesome.

I do have a binder full of handwritten notes and outlines and research that I pull out, notecards, highlighters, pretty colored pens, the whole shebang. So, even if I don’t reference anything there, it’s usually nearby. Also, I haven’t used candles specifically when writing, but I am a huge candle lover! So, I may try that!


Well, there you have it! It’s probably more than you ever wanted to know about my NaNo 2019 journey XD What are some of y’all’s goals for this month? Writing, reading, or other?