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If you’re a writer, it’s likely you’ve heard of NaNoWriMo. If you haven’t heard of it, for whatever reason, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and is a grand event that occurs every November in which writers from all over the world commit to a writing goal of 50,000 words during the 30 days of November. It’s colossal. The event and the goal. 

Know the Novel is a 3-part writers linkup series, one for each of these last three months of the year. It was created by Christine Smith and you can find the post that fully explains everything here

The basics?

Each part will feature ten questions that focus on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going before, during, and after NaNoWriMo.

With that in mind, it seems I’ve committed myself to trying NaNo once again. This will be the third time I’ve attempted the feat, and I’m feeling pretty crazy for considering it again with all of the part time jobs and internships and craziness I have allowed into my schedule at the moment. I’m also late to the party since I wasn’t originally planning to do this, which means I’m behind on the prepwork that goes into it beforehand.

But…it keeps popping up in one form or fashion–a YDubs class, this blog series, family and friends asking if I’m going to do it, etc–and…I really would like to give it another go. And, hey, if I fail again, at least I’ll have added something more to my WIP, right?

Before I straight up dive in, for those of you who aren’t aware, I am currently working on a Cinderella retelling. So, without further ado, here is Know the Novel Part One: Introduction

The Questions

1. What first sparked the idea for this novel?

Hehehehe! Okay, so one day this line (or three) popped into my brain. The WIP at that time was a mermaid quest, which I will eventually get back around to. Anyway, this voice, this pov just kind of appeared out of nowhere and I wrote it down because I found it intriguing. Then it sat on my computer in the back of my brain for months, untouched. Several months later, well…it took hold of me with a vengeance and just sort of developed from there. And, today, as a matter of fact, a friend of mine (thank you, Chloe!!) sent me a stunning photo edit with the quote that started it all.

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2. Share the blurb!

Okay, so I’m still learning how to do blurbs…but I’ll share the basic premise. The idea is that Lenora (the youngest of the two step-sisters) is cruel on purpose. She treats Celosia (aka Cinderella) poorly as a form of protecting her from worse maltreatment from Morgana (the step-mother). Lenora’s also trying to get Celosia out of the house so she can have her mother all to herself. And much more than that I really can’t say. 😀 

3. Where does the story take place? What are some of your favorite aspects about the setting?

Actually…the setting is probably the weakest part of the story right now. I’m usually so in-depth with my worldbuilding, so I’m not used to it lacking so much, but it does…I know what my goal is, but I just haven’t truly developed it enough. 

4. Tell us about your protagonist(s).

Okay, now here I can get into the goods.

The MC is Lenora. Lenora is the youngest stepsister in the traditional tale. She’s much more like her father than her mother, carefree, creative, openhearted, and delighted by the wonders of the world. Lenora is cunning and quick on her feet, but what she desires most seems the least attainable: her mother’s love.

Her sister on the other hand…is much more like their mother. Scarlett is not only absolutely gorgeous, but she’s talented, too. Really talented. She’s refined and elegant and every bit the lady that their mother wishes them to be. She’s logical and much more interested in the benefits of good society and fashion than she is in family or feelings.

5. Who (or what) is the antagonist?

Naturally, the cruel stepmother is our antagonist, but Morgana isn’t simply the stereotypical villain we’ve all seen in the tales before. She’s even surprised me with some of her close-fisted revelations. She grieves, but not for the husband she had and lost. She preens, but not for the children she has. Her fears and desires are rooted deeply in her past, and yet, they still shape her story today, and that of the poor Cinder girl she fought so hard to intertwine her life with.

6. What excites you the most about this novel?

Hmm, that’s a good question. I think I’m excited that it’s a fairy tale. I know that may sound obvious, but I’ve loved reading and watching fairy tales all my life. I’ve written countless stories and thought up even more. And though I’ve tinkered with fairy tale ideas in the past, this is the first one that’s truly got merit. It’s fleshed out in so many ways and I’m so proud of how much I am learning. I’m striving to implement the things I’m learning and so I’m excited to see it become the fruit of my labor.

7. Is this going to be a series? Standalone? Something else?

*sharp inhale* Mmm…I guess that isn’t strictly a spoiler, so…the original plan was for this to be a trilogy, but then some…plot points…came into sharp focus and are on the verge of change. That said…I still think it may end up being a trilogy, just…not the one I originally hoped for. Perhaps a trilogy that follows different MCs rather than the same one.

8. Are you plotting? Pantsing? Plantsing?

Ooh, Lord. A bit of both, I think. I’m very much a planner as a person and I’ve put great thought and planning into this novel for just over a year now, but…as a writer, I tend to be more of a plantser it seems. So, I think this particular novel is going to be plantsed. 😀 If you followed that, hoorah!

9. Name a few things that make this story unique?

Well, for one it’s told from the youngest stepsister’s pov. That in and of itself isn’t very common. There have been a few stories told from a stepsister’s pov, but not quite like this. 😀 *rubs hands and laughs lowly* Lenora is…well, she isn’t the stereotypical stepsister. Let’s just say that. 

And…oh, well, I’d better not say that. I’ll save the rest for anyone who cares to read it. 🙂

10. Share a fun “extra” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).

Ooh, okay, here’s a link to the Pinterest board for my characters! And, I’ve been listening to a lot of these three soundtracks while writing: Pride and Prejudice, Prince Caspian, and Pirates of the Caribbean.