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Yes. It’s now February. And, yes, I’m still going to post this!

Last month, I posted my 2020 recap. But I still have to do the post looking forward to the new(ish) year! And, hey, February isn’t a bad time to do that. Especially since This week is my three year blogging anniversary! *throws confetti and twirls in a circle!!!* 

That’s right GraceBought is now three years old!! This is the 262nd post with over 258 thousand words so far! And, currently, 162 of you amazing followers <3 Thank you for making this journey such a fun one!

Reading Goals

I’ve love using the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I highly recommend checking it out–and Goodreads as a whole. It’s been an incredibly useful tool to me over the years.

For this year, I’ve set my goal for 60 books again, though I’m hoping to surpass that. Of those 60 books, I am continuing on my annual goal of reading 12 non-fiction books. I had a goal to read all of K. M. Shea’s Timeless Fairy Tales books last year, but I didn’t get to do that, so I’m renewing that goal and planning to tackle those this year

Something new this year, I’m thinking about how to make room for beta reading on my reading goals radar. Do any of you track your beta reads? Do you make goals for those? What does that look like for you?


As mentioned above, GraceBought is now three years old!! Yay! I’m looking forward to another year here with you all.

GraceBought has taken a backseat to some curveballs life threw my way in the last year or two–and it’s still a bit of a hobby for me–but I have been starting to think about allocating more time to GraceBought and thinking about it more seriously. So, no spoilers yet, but maybe some updates and changes to come in the next year or two. 😀 

I think I’ve particularly enjoyed the book reviews this year and WWWednesdays. I do want to try to do more with Writing on Wednesdays and loop you guys more into my writing journey and projects. But I’m still mulling over how best to do this.

I don’t have any specific goals to share for GraceBought right now. I’m still in the mulling over things stage! I want to bring GraceBought more focus and intentionality, but I need to figure out what for first. So, I’ll update you guys when I have anything worthwhile to share.


Writing gooooaaalllsss! So, I’m definitely shifting my focus to writing goals this year and kind of hitting them hard. 

I’m planning to attend my first Realm Makers this year!! That will be incredible! I’m also 100% planning to attend the Story Embers Engaging Plots Summit in April. The YWW conference (among so many others) was cancelled last year. Sadness. And, I’m not sure that it will happen this year, but if it does, you’d better believe I’ll be there! 

The biggest thing I’m doing to work on my writing goals is participating in the Young Writers Workshop Author program. It has been an amazing resource and community over the last six months and I have already grown so, so much from it. One of my goals through the Author program this year is to finish outlining and drafting my WIP (more on that to come!) and then another goal is to start a second project after that to do through the program. 

Additionally, I am still a Storysmith and do plan to do a critique every other month there <3 to continue to participate in the YDubs monthly themes and to read an SE article every other month. 


Hmm…personal goals this year. Well, last year God opened doors for me to move into my dream job. So, my goal is to learn to do that job well and to serve my new employers and students faithfully. 

I’m also planning to move again this year, so it is a goal to find a place closer to my church community that I can stay in for several years, Lord willing! 

I plan to continue serving in my church orchestra and attending the women’s Bible studies weekly. Additionally, I’m setting the goal of reading three devotionals this year, just as I did last year. My morning quiet time got a little out of whack toward the end of last year with being sick, so I’m working to restore that routine now. 

I still love writing letters! In addition to the goal I made last year of writing one to my grandparents every other month, I want to write once a month to one of my writer friends. Pen pals are the best! And for traveling goals, I’m definitely planning to take one trip to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and baby niece and at least one to visit my grandparents.


Alright, enough about me! What are some of your 2021 goals? Share below and let me know!

Here’s to another year with GraceBought! It is my sincerest hope that you can find something here that makes you smile and encourages or helps you, whether through a post of my crazy, random thoughts, a book review, or something else! Thanks so much for walking with me through this and may your 2021 be the best year yet!

Love always,